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Writing| Yoga|Mindset
About Me


Aurora Bonner is an environmentally-inspired writer and yoga teacher. Her work has appeared in Hippocampus Magazine, Under the Gum Tree, HerStry, Impost: A Journal of Creative & Critical Work, the Colorado Review, Brevity, Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies, and elsewhere.

Her essays are included in two anthologies: DINE, published by Hippocampus Magazine & Books and the forthcoming anthology Rivers, Ridges, and Valleys: Essays on Rural Pennsylvania from Catamount Press. She is a regular book reviewer for the Colorado Review, and in addition to other past publications, she won first place in creative nonfiction at the 2016 Pennsylvania Writers Conference. Aurora received her MFA in Creative Writing from Wilkes University.

Aurora teaches writing at McDaniel College, speaks regularly on writing and wellness, offers writing and wellness workshops and retreats, and runs virtual

writing accountability groups, writing challenges, and book clubs through her Substack Root Down to Write Up.



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